The Link Between Mental Health & Fitness: What Scottsdale Has to Offer

The benefits of exercise on mental health is a topic that has been extensively researched and referenced over the years. Despite the amount of research, exercise is often neglected or overlooked as an intervention for mental health. Of the many positive effects that exercising has on our health, some of the most powerful are related to psychological health. The benefits of engaging in fitness are wide-reaching in terms of mental health and wellbeing. We all can attest to the feeling after a long walk, hike or strength-training workout; where your mind and body simultaneously feel relaxed, at ease, and energized. There are actual physiological reasons this post-workout euphoria occurs and it has to do with the release of neurotransmitters in our brain. As discussed in a recent blog post, Scottsdale, AZ is a perfect place to take advantage of the numerous fitness opportunities, both in nature and indoors.

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Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Before jumping into what Scottsdale, AZ has to offer when it comes to fitness, let’s first review the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. Engaging in regular exercise; even just a few times a week for about 30 minutes, has been shown to improve sleep, lower cortisol levels, boost overall mood, improve cognitive functioning, and increase energy levels. One of the reasons we feel so good after exercising is due to the release of specific neurotransmitters in the brain known as endorphins and endocannabinoids. These two types of neurotransmitters are responsible for the positive feelings following exercise. Endorphins and endocannabinoids are thought to work together to reduce the sensation of pain, and to increase feelings of pleasure; specifically the calm, euphoric feeling that often follows a workout. Another important brain chemical released during exercise that most people are probably familiar with is dopamine. Dopamine is involved with the mechanisms that control motivation and pleasure, as well as other regulatory systems in the body. Dopamine is also responsible for the feel-good emotions that follow exercise.

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Exercise and Neuroplasticity

Research suggests that exercise promotes neuroplasticity in the brain. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to develop new neural networks, as well as change and adapt to new experiences. This is a really hopeful and important finding in neuroscience because it was previously believed that the brain could not change or develop new neural networks past childhood. In addition to promoting positive changes in the brain, exercise is also highly protective against diseases related to cognitive decline, specifically dementia and stroke. Additionally, those who make fitness a regular part of their routine, are protecting themselves against chronic stress. Exercise has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Regular exercise actually increases your ability to handle stressors in daily life, leading to an increased sense of well-being.


Movement is Medicine

It really does not matter the kind of exercise you are engaging in. Whether you enjoy walking, running, yoga, Pilates, cycling, weight-lifting or pickleball, the benefits apply to all forms of movement; movement is medicine. That being said, it is important to take some time to find types of exercise that you enjoy the most and that feel good to you. When you enjoy the type of exercise you’re taking part in, you are more likely to be consistent with it and reap the positive benefits.


Exercise Opportunities in Scottsdale, AZ

Scottsdale, Arizona has countless fitness programs to take advantage of. While there are many hiking/biking trails in Scottsdale’s great outdoors, there are also a number of fitness studios that offer various types of exercise. Below are just a few categories of fitness classes that are offered in the Scottsdale area. is a great resource to research and find a class and type of exercise that works best for you.

If you hope to improve or develop your mind-body connection, then yoga might be a great resource to look into. There are many different kinds of yoga and although yoga consists of movement in the form of different postures, yoga can also involve practices that improve mental health and reduce trauma symptoms; as it combines mindfulness, movement, choice and breath work.

  • CA Yoga & Barre in Scottsdale offers yoga classes of varying intensity, as well as yoga classes that incorporate barre movement, blending the two forms of exercise in an integrated way.
  • PhsyioYoga in Scottsdale provides a unique experience, offering classes that focus on blending physical therapy and yoga, as well as traditional yoga classes and meditation sessions.
  • Just Be Yoga in Scottsdale is a heated yoga studio that focuses on wellness, offering a variety of traditional yoga classes, as well as classes that incorporate sound healing as part of the experience.

Pilates is another popular fitness option that is abundant in Scottsdale, AZ. Pilates places an emphasis on strengthening core muscles and improving overall alignment of the body, while targeting other major muscle groups. Pilates serves as a great low-impact workout that also focuses on awareness of breath and the connection between mind and body.

  • Reformed Pilates in Scottsdale has a number of locations and offers Pilates classes to all fitness levels, no prior experience is required.
  • The Workshop Pilates in Scottsdale is another great studio to check out. They offer group, individual and semi-private lessons to their clients.
  • Club Pilates is located in and around the Scottsdale area. Their mission is to empower people to move their bodies, feel confident and prevent injury to promote long-term health.

Strength-training involves the use of multiple muscle groups to perform a specific movement like squatting, lifting a weight or utilizing a resistance machine. Strength training does not have to involve the actual use of weights or equipment; it can be done with body-weight exercises as well. Strength training helps build muscle, boost metabolism, and can improve overall mood and self-esteem.

  • OrangeTheory Fitness has many locations in Scottsdale, AZ. OrangeTheory offers group classes which is a great way to build community in the fitness space. OrangeTheory classes have a specific structure, combining aerobic exercises with strength training and other forms of cardio.
  • F45 is similar to OrangeTheory in that it combines strength-training, resistance training and HIIT. F45 is another great option if your hope is to find a fitness community where you feel strong and empowered while being challenged physically.
  • Infinity Fitness in Scottsdale, AZ is a gym that caters to the whole family. They offer classes for both adults and kids, with an emphasis on improving overall fitness and wellbeing.

The Power of Fitness

Fitness is not about looking a certain way or maintaining an exterior appearance. Fitness refers to the act of being physically healthy and empowered in moving through activities in your daily life. The act of engaging in regular exercise provides numerous mental health benefits that go beyond simply feeling good. Physical exercise has been shown to positively change structures in the brain, and protect against mental health disorders, as well as cognitive decline later in life. Fitness can be a powerful way to increase confidence and self-efficacy, as well as build new or existing social connections with others. Find the kind of exercise and movement that feels right for you and begin to notice any positive changes in your thoughts, feelings, sensations and relationships.

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About The Author

Mandy Higginbotham Owner

Mandy Higginbotham

Owner/Clinical Director

Mandy Higginbotham, owner of Ezra Counseling, has a Masters from Phoenix Seminary. She uses a mind-body approach to assist clients with various mental health issues. Formerly a college athlete and mentor, she cherishes her role as a therapist.

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